Are you planning to opt for coloured contacts but wondering ‘are coloured contacts safe for your eyes’? Keep your fears aside as we’re going to bust some crazy myths when it comes to coloured eye contacts.
Coloured contacts are defined by special lenses which are used to change the overall look of your eyes because they're mainly geared towards creating a fashion statement rather than planning to fix any eye problems. You can easily stand out from the rest of the crowd with these coloured contacts as these contacts will be able to change your eye colour and can even make them look broader and more prominent. The technology that has made these lenses possible has already expanded all around the globe and thereby coloured contacts are available at great prices nowadays. However, there have been quite a few myths around the use of coloured prescription contacts, which is why we're going to clear the confusion right away - through this article guide.
Are non-prescription colour contacts safe, you might ask - well, no one in the world could wear coloured contacts if it had any risks associated with it. These contacts are perfectly safe to be used by anyone out there and will, therefore, provide you with a clear vision as well. However, you need to follow specific precautionary measures when using them.
The first task would be to clean your lenses every time you wear them. You need to use specific cleaning solutions for your lenses to perform the same. Furthermore, you need to wash your hands before you start handling your lenses and ensure that there is no such residue of soap in your hands. Therefore, avoiding hand sanitizers should be your best bet. Aside from that, you should not be wearing them when you'll be sleeping as the results can be dangerous and unpleasant.
The overall appearance of the coloured contacts will depend on the type of contacts you'd be buying. If you purchase good quality coloured contacts, then they'll appear natural regardless. Unless some other person is putting excessive attention on your eyes - it'll be hard to detect the same.
Apart from the quality, the colour of the contacts will matter as well. Since, human beings are mostly born with natural eye colours, using such an item can indeed look out of place. Thus, you should be using coloured contacts that will be able to complement your face and eyes and thereby will avoid any unnatural appearances.
For most people out there, coloured contacts are indeed very comfortable to wear. Even though there will be a few percentages of people who will not get accustomed to the same, that shouldn't worry you much because the disapproval numbers are pretty low.
These coloured contacts are made out of soft lenses and are thereby highly designed for comfortable use on your eyes. You'll not be feeling any discomfort whatsoever unless your eyes start drying up. In case you want to avoid such a phenomenon, then the best thing would be to do is to start blinking your eyes often and not wear them for extended periods.
In case you’re wondering ‘are non-prescription coloured contacts safe', then you should learn that every coloured contact lens that you buy goes through some amount of extensive testing after which it gets cleared for daily usage for the consumers.
If you can continue your contacts cleaning schedule every time you plan on wearing them, then there should not be any problems when it comes to eye infections. Eye infections generally arise out of unclean coloured contacts used with the help of dirty hands.
This process is a strict no-no, and one should not use another person's contact lenses. It should be remembered that each human being functions in a different manner, which means that each human will have a different chemical composition.
And since our eyes form a significant part of the human body, there's no way you'd know whether any disease is being passed from wearing one person's contact lens by another. Therefore, as a safety precaution, you should not be borrowing other people's contacts.
When you’d plan to purchase coloured contacts, you should know that coloured contacts vary in prices just like any other regular contact lenses. The price depends on the brand that you have selected along with the quality of the lenses. Moreover, it should be noted that coloured contacts cost almost the same as regular contact lenses, especially when you’re planning to replace them. The replacement schedule will depend on how long you plan to use them or prescribed as per your eye doctor.
If you’re wondering ‘are coloured contacts bad', then it should be noted that there's no such specific reason why children and teenagers shouldn't be using coloured contact lenses. The best way to go about this issue would be to contact an eye doctor, as the doctor would be able to advise a suitable option for a contact lens. The success of being able to use a coloured contact lens will depend on the person's overall maturity, and enthusiasm - as these coloured contact lenses need to be taken care daily.
Since you need unobstructed vision while driving, with the help of coloured lenses, obtaining the same won't be a problem anymore. These coloured contacts are ideal to be used anywhere you like, and you'll always be benefitting from a crisp & clear vision all around you. Moreover, over time you'll slowly get accustomed to using such coloured lenses.
It should be noted that changing the real colour of your eyes with the help of coloured contacts is purely an aesthetic decision. In today's world, if you're planning to get coloured contacts, you'll need a prescription for the same - from an eye doctor. When you are purchasing your coloured contacts, be sure to scout for the best available eye-wear brands before finally deciding on a particular product.
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