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3 Important Things You Should Know About Eye Exam

August 11, 2018 5 min read

Nowadays, wear kinds of colored contact lenses have become a fashion, because it’s pretty, convenient and comfortable. More and more people regard contact lenses as the best alternative of glasses, especially for the young whose age between 18 to 25.

TTdeye Contacts

According to TTDeye’s marketing research, this young people takes up almost 70% among all contact lenses consumer market. Accompanied with more consume in contact lenses market, some eye problem is also coming, most of them are lead by fault use of contact lenses. Such as have no idea how to choose the suitable circle lenses, how to get correct eye exam and how to read a contact lenses prescription. Then I will give you answer on the following content.

Then I will divided my opinions into 3 parts.

1.Why you need to take contact exam?

2.How to choose your pleased ophthalmologist?

3.How you choose your suitable contact lenses according to your contact lens exam?

Plus: I will also tell you how to read a contact lens prescription

Then we will go to the first part -why you need to take contact exam.

Several doctors said that eye infections has increased these years due to the environment, ignore eye health as well as incorrect contact lenses wearing. Actually most of these infection problem can be avoided totally if people take care of their eyes and take contact eye exam.  

1.Know clearly about your eye vision

One contact eye exam will includes several parts, they are distance visual test, near vision test, color sense exam, external eye part test and IOP (intraocular pressure) test. After taken these tests, you will know your eyes condition clearly and comprehensive. And your eye exam doctor also will give you several advice to protect your eyes better. Then you can buy your suitable contact lenses on the basis of ophthalmologist’s prescription.

Plus: When you take eyes test for contact lenses, you should tell your optometrist. A regular eye exam may not suit contact lenses. When you need to wear circle lenses, you’s better tell optometrist in order to do detail examination, as well as tell you how to read contact lens prescription and choose your suitable colored contact lenses.

In order to take care of your eyes, almost doctors will advice you from the following points.

  • Should give your eye more time to breath. There are some people too fan circle lenses to remove, however, when wearing these colored circle lenses long time, it’s bad to your eyes. Just because your eyes need to breath. Though some colored contact lens enjoy high oxygen permeability, it’s also best to remove your contact lenses and make your eyes free, especially at night or sleep.
  • Using professional care solution to clean your lens. Some people just use water to clean colored contact lenses, it’s so wrong. No matter tap water or bottled water, there are full of mineral substance, when clean colored contact lenses using this, it will pollute them. So you just need to use the professional care water to clean contact lenses.
  • Better change contact lenses case 3 months and clean it often. As we all know, want to ensure circle lenses clean, you need to offer one clean store place. It’s not enough to use professional care solution, you’d better clean the lenses case more often, and change it in 3 months.

2. How often do you need to take one contact lens examination?

Due to our eyes are changing, it’s not scientific to buy one pair of contact lenses on the basis of the contact lens eye exam 2 years ago. According to American Optometric Association, adult had better do contact lens examination every two years. While the people over 60 ages better do contact lens test once a year in order to ensure eye health. However the experts also advice if the people who wear prescription lenses more often, do yearly checkup may be better. Because it’s so bad to your eyes when you order contact lenses using inaccurate inspection result.

Then we will go to second part- Choose your suitable color contact lenses from prescription

How you find suitable ophthalmologist?

These years,more people choose color contact lenses instead of traditional frame glasses, because beautiful and convenient.However, when choose or wear circle lenses, some tips we need to know in order to protect our eyes correctly. The first one is that you'd better take an eyes exam to clear know your eyes situation, such as myopia,hyperopia or astigmatism, as well as your spectacle lens power,then you will pick your suit contact lenses better.

5 Things You Need to Know Before Take Eyes Exam

1.There are 2 different prescriptions,which include frame glasses prescription, and another is both frame glass and color contact lenses.Before you take an eyes exam, you need to tell your doctor clearly which exam you want to take.Because these two kinds of prescription hold different items and enjoy different price.

2.Find satisfied ophthalmologist.One of effective way to find eye doctor is search in google directly.Just search the doctors near you, then scan and pick one with best and high score reviews. Once you choose your suitable doctor, you can call him to do an appointment, you'd better leave a detail message, for example, your name, birthday,frame glass or contact lens prescription and so on.

3.Be sure go to clinic 15 minutes ahead your appointment, because you need to fill out one form of your personnale information.

4.If you just wear colored contact lenses the first time,your doctor also will recommend you contact lenses' types and brand, and teach you some basic information related about how to wear or remove contact lenses.

5.Finally is the prescription.I will introduce you clearly how to read one prescription following.

 There are mainly 3 important parts on prescription.

Eye Exam Prescription

1.Name,eye exam date and expiry date,which means in one year period from the exam date,you can buy contact lenses according to the degree in the prescription.
2.Ophthalmologist's signature and license number.
3.This will be most part-contact lenses degree.
I will introduce you the important part in prescription.
RX column.OD means right eyes,OS means left eyes.
Sphere refers degree."-" means myopia,while "+" means hyperopia.
Cylinder refers to astigmatic degree
Axis means to astigmatic angles
Curve refers to eye radians.
Diam.is the diameter of iris, which equal to the diameter of the black part in your eyes.

After you read your prescription correct, you can order your favorite contact lenses anytime anywhere.

Hope can help you a little about take a right eye contact exam. Any question can contact us, TTdeye are here 24/7 for you.


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