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What are the Common Contact Lenses Problems of Buying and Wearing

October 16, 2017 2 min read



This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, common contact lens problems when you decide to buy contact lens will be introduced. In the second part, you will read information about common contact problems when wear a lens.

For people who are considering buying contact lens.

When you consider buying contact lens, many things you might to take into account. Such as what kind of lens you should buy? Soft lens or RGP lens, is it easy to be infection? What should I check out when buying contact lens? In this part, I will tell you all I knew.


There are many kinds of contact lens we can get. However, there are two basic types, Soft lens and hard lens. Soft lens provide comfortable wearing experience and hard lens provide clear vision.


As to the second problem, I have to say if you are caution of cleaning, it wouldn’t that easy to take place. Most contact lens brands have their own sterile solution and cleaning, you should remember clean it after daily use. Another thing should be point out is don’t borrow your lens to others. It can result in infection or allergy.


When you decide to buy a contact lens, you should check out oxygenpermeability, central thickness and water content. These three parameters are the top 3 things you should take into consideration. High oxygen permeability can prevent your eyes feel dry. The thin the central thickness is, the more comfortable you may feel. As to water content, the suitable range is around 30%. If higher than it, your eyes may easy feel dry.

For someone who have worn contact lens


There are some common contact problems when you wear them. For example, your eyes will be red or sore. In the following chart, you will know what happens to your eyes. What I want to emphasize is that it didn’t conclude all kinds of possible reasons. The best way is to see a doctor.




Eyes get dry and red

l Use eyes for a long time and your eyes feel tired

l The bad condition of environment.

l Poor oxygen permeability.

l Take a rest

l Try to blink for a while

l Use some eye drops to relieve dry.

Feeling of  something in eyes

l You should spend more time adapting it

l Chalazia

l Conjunctivitis

l Corneal Laceration

l Fungal Keratitis

l Lens’ broken

l Go and see a doctor

Ways to prevent it

l Try to clean your lens on daily basis

l Don’t wear your lens when you sleeping

Feel pricking

l Damage on lens

l Makeup on lens

l Infection

l Lens precipitates

l Take lens out

l Clean lens

l Go to the hospital

That’s all of the common contact lens problems before and after wearing lens. Hope you can find something useful.


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